Cinna Network is global. Our volunteer team supports and enhances content sourced and constantly refreshed as well as also played live by A-list artists and more, the former have even dedicated some released and successful works to Cinna and members of Cinna. No-one is an island.

A recommendation from a leading authority at Brasenose College, Oxford University, United Kingdom for Therapeutic Psychotherapy – particularly for those with mental wellness and social anxiety challenges, we also support our favored charities, Special Olympics GB and Cancer Research UK with fundraisers, activities and livestream into their events.
Cancer Research UK Special Olympics

Cinna has never been run to make a profit. Its primary mantra is that of supporting, motivating and inspiring #oneworld to come together. You can listen and join us at home. You can take us on the road with you. You can hear us when you go out and, if you can’t go out but want to, we even have a “virtual” presence where people can join in 3D environments, interact with each other and enjoy a safe, happy and positive vibe. As one senior professor jokingly described it … “with how the human brain works, this is like a therapy on steroids”. All we ask for is your smile.

Of all the tracks I hear there is one that pierces my heart every time: Luke Bond vs Cartel – Once More. I started Cinna with this song. Its one of a few very special ones to me and Cinna and we’ve often started and ended live sets with it. The memories it brings come flooding back fast, every time. Tears too, because there are so many good things that Cinna has been fortunate to do for people. Even on Launch day when someone had a close relative that passed literally two hours before, that same day, they were numb and lost – but joined us, and they told us later it stopped them doing something to themselves that others would regret. That reason alone brings a tear and makes it worth it, but I’ll continue… remembering when people join us being terminally ill, or in the throes of chemo or radiotherapy, or being abused, physically and mentally. People that are clinically depressed or physically or mentally challenged have joined us. There are so many times when people tune in, at the point of collapse, suicidal almost, numbly sitting there, like zombies, but when they finish they are Smiling. Energized. Happy. Motivated. Inspired. The vibe and energy that came from that first time and morphed into what it has become has put a lot of light into a lot of lives, and really, its a beautiful thing. The lines:
“..You call, I’m there One soul, we share..”
“… we don’t need to lose this war. We’ll believe in love once more.”
have a meaning for those that struggle, that try to endure. It inspires, it motivates, it refreshes and regenerates. With the knowledge of understanding what is happening I really have sat here and cried so many times, because I can appreciate the bigger picture, uniquely created, the joy in the team and those that join in, and how collectively all these things combined make things so much better, in so many ways, for so many people.